Other Windsor Schools

Other Windsor Schools

It is not the intention of this site to research all the schools in Windsor as we do not have the resources to do so. However, during the research into the Royal Free Schools some information has come to light on other schools and is published below.

Should you have additional information and would like to submit a brief article the webmaster would be pleased to receive your contributions and publish at his discretion, links to other relevant sites can also be included.

“Besides the many excellent academies for young gentlemen and seminaries and other establishments for young ladies, which are to be found in the Royal Borough, there are several public schools for the instruction of the young of the other classes of society, who do not aspire to private tuition. ~ Harrod & Co Directory 1876

Clewer Green 2023
The Windsor Boys' School
The Windsor Boys' School
Trinity St Stephen (Previously Princess Margaret Rose) 2024
Trinity St Stephen (Previously Princess Margaret Rose) 2024
Trinity St Stephen (Previously Princess Margaret Rose)
St Stephens Church and former Schools
St Stephens Church and former Schools Vansittart Road
Former St Steven's College Oxford Road/Vansittart Road
Formally Ragged School Oxford Road
St Stephens Church and former Schools
St Edwards (Old School Building)
Windsor College
Windsor College
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