Other Windsor Schools
Other Windsor Schools
It is not the intention of this site to research all the schools in Windsor as we do not have the resources to do so. However, during the research into the Royal Free Schools some information has come to light on other schools and is published below.
Should you have additional information and would like to submit a brief article the webmaster would be pleased to receive your contributions and publish at his discretion, links to other relevant sites can also be included.
“Besides the many excellent academies for young gentlemen and seminaries and other establishments for young ladies, which are to be found in the Royal Borough, there are several public schools for the instruction of the young of the other classes of society, who do not aspire to private tuition. ~ Harrod & Co Directory 1876
- Baker Sarah, 35 Thames Street
- Bambridge George, 22 Brunswick Terrace
- Beeham Thomas, Sheet Street
- Bennings Richard Charity School
- Bennings Richard Ladies School
- Biggs Mary Ann, Clewer Green
- Binfield James Lee, 1 Park Street
- Blakeney Court, High St (Private)
- Brettell Mary Charlotte, 6 Park Street
- Brigidine School, Queens Mead, Kings Road
- British School (New), Chariott’s Passage, Victoria Street
- Brown Rebecca, 16 Park Street
- Brunswick House School, Kings Road
- Clewer Green C of E First School, Hatch Lane
- Clewer Hill
- Clewer House School, Alma Road
- County Secondary Boys School, St. Leonard’s Road
- Creswick & Harris, Ladies Boarding, 7 Clarence Crescent
- Dedworth Green First School, Smiths Lane
- Dedworth County Middle School, Imperial Road
- Domestic Subjects Centre, Kings Road
- East Berkshire College, Claremont Road
- Englefield Fanny, Boarding, Clarence Crescent
- Eton College
- Fox Ann, 22 & 104 Thames Street
- Froud Henry, 37 High Street, 83 Peascod Street
- Grammar School, Aderlaide Square
- Haileybury Junior School
- Harris Mary Isabella, William Street
- Harris Wm Redford, (Boarding) Spital Road
- Haycock Fanny, 32 Peascod Street
- High Street (Private)
- Hilltop First School, Clewer Hill Road
- Hodder Jayne Rayner, York Place, Sheet Street
- Holland Margaret, (Gents Preparaty), William Street
- Holy Trinity Parish Schools, Alma Road
- Homer County First School, Testwood Road
- Infants School, near New Road (Victoria Street)
- Imperial Service College/Imperial Service College
- John Thomas, (boarding), Clewer
- Kellner Isabella Maria, New Road (Victoria Street)
- Ladies’ Charity or School for Girls
- National School, Clewer Lane
- National School, Baylis’ Place, Spital Road
- National School, Clewer
- National School, Clewer Lane
- National School, Maids Acre
- New Windsor Council School
- Oakfield First, Imperial Road
- Park Street School, Gents (Private)
- Pollard Charlotte Maria, 11 Brunswick Terrace
- Potter Ann, 78 Peascod street
- Princess Margaret Rose School
- Queen Anne’s Gate Infant, Kings Road
- Queensmead House School
- Robertson Thomas, (boarding), 19 Thames Street
- Royal School, (Crown Aided) Windsor Great Park
- St Anne’s Girls (Holy Trinity)
- St Anne’s School, (Parochial), Clarence Crescent
- St Catherine’s Infant/Elementary, New Road, Clewer New Town
- St Edwards Roman Catholic School, Dorset Road
- St Edwards Catholic First School, Parsonage Lane
- St Edwards Royal Free Ecumenical Middle School, Parsonage Lane
- St George’s Choir School, Datchet Road
- St Katherine’s Infant/Elementary, New Road, Clewer New Town
- St Mark’s School, Alma Road
- St Mark’s, Clewer Lane (Parochial)
- St Mark’s Windsor Middle Class School, Grove Road
- St Mary’s School, Bier Lane
- St Steven’s School’s and College
- School of Art, Albert Institute, Sheet Street
- Sharpley Charles Geo, 100 Thames Street
- Spital Infant, Church of England, St Leonard’s Road
- Sunday Schools
- The Queen Ann Royal Free 1st School, Chaucer Close
- Tomlins John, 8 Clarence Road
- Trevelyan School, Wood Close
- Trinity Parochial, Alma Road
- Trinity St Stephen’s First School, Vansittart Road
- United Service College
- Upton House School, 115 St Leonards Road
- William Street (Private)
- Windsor & Eton Ragged, Oxford Road
- Windsor Boy’s School, Maidenhead Road
- Windsor Girls School, Imperial Road
- Windsor Ragged Schools